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Papers (2011-2020)


MARTINELLI et al. 2020. Determining ecosystem functioning in Brazilian biomes through foliar carbon and nitrogen concentrations and stable isotope ratios. Biogeochemistry. online first.

CORDEIRO et al. 2020. Factors affecting the effectiveness of riparian buffers in retaining sediment: an isotopic approach. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 192:735.

SENA-SOUZA et al. 2020. Reconstructing continental‐scale variation in soil δ15N: a machine learning approach in South America. Ecosphere 11(8): e03223.

JARDIM et al. 2020. The influence of seasonal river flooding in food consumption of riverine dwellers in the central Amazon region: an isotopic approach. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12: 205.

REIS et al. 2020. Biological nitrogen fixation across major biomes in Latin America: Patterns and global change effects, Science of The Total Environment 746: 140998.

NARDOTO et al. 2020. Increased in carbon isotope ratios of Brazilian fingernails are correlated with increased in socioeconomic status. Nature Partner Journals | Science of Food 4:9. 

NARDOTO et al. 2020. Mapping carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of fingernails to demonstrate a rural–urban nutrition transition in the Center‐West , Northeast, and Amazon regions of Brazil. Physical Anthropology 172(4): 650-663.

TEIXEIRA et al. 2020. Consequences of removal of exotic species (eucalyptus) on carbon and nitrogen cycles in the soil-plant system in a secondary tropical Atlantic forest in Brazil with a dual-isotope approach. Peer J 8:e9222.

MARTINELLI et al. 2020. Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Ratios of Food and Beverage in Brazil. Molecules 25(6): 1457.


ZENNI et al. 2020. Synergistic impacts of co‐occurring invasive grasses cause persistent effects in the soil‐plant system after selective removal. Functional Ecology 34(5): 1102-1112.

POMPERMAIER et al. 2020. Impact of exotic pastures on epigeic arthropod diversity and contribution of native and exotic plant sources to their diet in the central Brazilian savanna. Pedobiologia 78: 150607.


LIMA et al. 2019. Conditional Cash Transfers in the Amazon: From the Nutrition Transition to Complex Dietary Behavior Change. Ecology of food and nutrition 59(2): 130-153.


ALVIM et al. 2019. Trophic relationships between primary producers and associated fauna in a pristine Cerrado pond. Journal of Limnology 78(3):310-322.

COSTA et al. 2019. Determinação da origem geográfica de vestígios utilizando isótopos estáveis: base científica e potencial de uso no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Policiais 1015-54. 

RIBEIRO et al. 2019. Habitat type and seasonality influence the isotopic trophic niche of small mammals in a neotropical savanna. Hystrix 30(1): 30-38.

SENA-SOUZA et al. 2019. Background and the use of isoscapes in the Brazilian context: essential tool for isotope data interpretation and natural resource management. Revista Ambiente e Água 14(2): 1-27.

REIS et al. 2019. Isotopic Evidence that Nitrogen Enrichment Intensifies Nitrogen Losses to the Atmosphere from Subtropical Mangroves. Ecosystems 410:1-19.

ABDALLA-FILHO et al. 2019. Is the ?canine surrogacy approach? (CSA) still valid for dogs and humans in market-oriented and subsistence-oriented communities in Brazil? Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 55(3): 227-236.

SOBREIRA et al. 2018. Anthropology of Food: An Essay on Food Transition and Transformations in Brazil. Journal of Food, Nutrition and Population Health 02: 1-9. 

PADGURSCHI et al. 2018. Nitrogen input by bamboos in neotropical forest: a new perspective. PeerJ 6: e6024.


REIS et al. 2017. Global overview on nitrogen dynamics in mangroves and consequences of increasing nitrogen availability for these systems. Plant and Soil 410:1-19.

REIS et al. 2017. Nitrogen dynamics in subtropical fringe and basin mangrove forests inferred from stable isotopes. Oecologia. 183:841-848.

DE JESUS SILVA et al. 2017. Factors influencing the food transition in riverine communities in the Brazilian Amazon. Environment, Development and Sustainability 19:1087-1102.

CASTRO et al. 2016.  Land use influences niche size and the assimilation of resources by benthic macroinvertebrates in tropical headwater streams. Plos One 11: e0150527.

​RODRIGUES et al. 2016.  Food insecurity in urban and rural areas in central Brazil: Transition from Locally Produced Foods to Processed Items. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 55(4): 365-377.

ALVES et al. 2016.  Role of soil carbon in the landscape functioning of Alto São Bartolomeu watershed, Cerrado region. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 51:1241-1251.

​CORDEIRO et al. 2016.  Avaliação rápida da integridade ecológica em riachos urbanos na bacia do rio Corumbá no Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Revista Ambiente e Água 11:702-710.

AQUINO et al. 2016. Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional, Hábitos Alimentares e condições socioeconômicas na Chapada dos Veadeiros no Brasil Central. Revista Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional 23:933-943.

CATÃO et al. 2016. Short-term impact of soybean management on ammonia oxidizers in a Brazilian savanna under restoration as revealed by coupling different techniques. Biology and Fertility of Soils 52:401-412.

CRAINE et al. 2015. Convergence of soil nitrogen isotopes across global climate gradients. Scientific Reports 5:8280.

MILHOMEM, et al. 2015. Emissões de dióxido de carbono pelo setor de serviços e compensação ambiental em assentamento rural com plantio de espécies arbóreas nativas do Cerrado. Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais 6:1.

REINALDO et al. 2015. Mudanças de hábitos alimentares em comunidades rurais do semiárido da região nordeste do Brasil. Interciencia 40:330-336.

SILVA et al. 2015. Transição agroalimentar em comunidades tradicionais rurais: o caso dos remanescentes de quilombo Kalunga ? GO. Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional 22:591-607.

LLOYD et al. 2015. Edaphic, structural and physiological contrasts across Amazon Basin forest-savanna ecotones suggest a role for potassium as a key modulator of tropical woody vegetation structure and function. Biogeosciences 12:6529-6571.

VEENENDAAL et al. 2015. Structural, physiognomic and above-ground biomass variation in savanna-forest transition zones on three continents - how different are co-occurring savanna and forest formations? Biogeosciences 12:2927-2951.

NARDOTO et al. 2014. Basin-wide variations in Amazon forest nitrogen-cycling characteristics as inferred from plant and soil 15N/14N measurements. Plant Ecology and Diversity. 7:173-187.

RODOVALHO et al. 2014. Distribuição dos trabalhos sobre capim-gordura no território brasileiro: uma análise histórico-espacial. Espaço e Geografia 17:97-113.

RODOVALHO et al. 2014. Análise comparativa da viabilidade econômica e ambiental dos manejos de capim-gordura (Melinis minutiflora) em unidades de conservação. Espaço e Geografia 17:115-144.

OLIVEIRA et al. 2014. Análise da Fragmentação da Paisagem da Bacia Hidrográfica do Alto São Bartolomeu como Subsídio ao Modelo Pressão-Estado-Resposta. Espaço e Geografia 17:207-234.

GRAGNANI et al. 2014. Can stable isotope analysis reveal dietary differences among groups with distinct income levels in the city of Piracicaba (southeast region, Brazil)?. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 27:270-279

SANTOS et al. 2014. Teor de Carbono Orgânico do Solo e Aspectos Biosíficos da Cobertura Vegetal da Bacia do Córrego Sarandi, Planaltina, DF. Boletim de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Embrapa Cerrados) 319:1-28.

SALGADO et al. 2014. Tracking dietary habits of cave arthropods associated with deposits of hematophagous bat guano: A study from a neotropical savanna. Austral Ecology 39:560-566.

AUSTIN et al. 2013. Latin America in the middle. Science 340:149-149.

TORELLO-RAVENTOS et al. 2013. On the delineation of tropical vegetation types with an emphasis on forest/savanna transitions. Plant Ecology and Diversity 6:101-137.

BUSTAMANTE  et al. 2012. Potential impacts of climate change on biogeochemical functioning of Cerrado ecosystems. Brazilian Journal of Biology 72:655-671.

MARTINELLI et al. 2012. Nitrogen mass balance in the Brazilian Amazon: an update. Brazilian Journal of Biology 72:683-690.

MARDEGAN et al. 2011. Variation in nitrogen use strategies and photosynthetic pathways among vascular epiphytes in the Brazilian Central Amazon. Revista Brasileira de Botânica 34:21-30.

MARTINELLI et al. 2011. Worldwide stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes of Big Mac® patties: An example of a truly glocal food. Food Chemistry 127:1712-1718.

NARDOTO et al. 2011. Frozen chicken for wild fish: Nutritional transition in the Brazilian Amazon region determined by carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in fingernails. American Journal of Human Biology 23:642-650.

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Laboratório Relações Solo e Vegetação

Departamento de Ecologia

Instituto de Ciências Biológicas

Universidade de Brasília

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© 2018. Created by Tiago B. Kisaka
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